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‘Meditation is a process that leads you to a state of higher awareness … Beyond meditation is the knowledge to give a better meaning to your life and the courage to change!’

Meditation is a technique used for thousands of years to develop awareness of the present moment. However, meditation is just a step towards something more profound … the awakening of your knowledge potential. The knowledge potential is synonymous with one’s level of intelligence .

An average individual functions with a lower for of intelligence meant for survival. However, one needs to invoke a higher form of intelligence which is required to make the right decision and translate it into right action.

Beyond Meditation* is a unique program to activate your higher intelligence and an evolved knowledge potential.

Activate your dormant higher intelligence
Make right decisions that help you to progress in life
Align to your life purpose and live meaningfully
Experience improved awareness and mindfulness
Live in the present without the baggage of your past or the anxiety of the future

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