"Everything in the universe is but a crystallisation of the Mind"

Mind is an enigma. The true form & function of the Mind is difficult to comprehend. The enquiry into the nature of the Mind has been the subject of every philosopher’s intellectual pursuit since the beginning of time itself. Though it is currently believed that Mind is the seat of consciousness, intelligence, experience and feeling, it does not give the right perspective of its multi dimensional nature and the complexities of the higher functions it is capable of.

Mind and the higher SELF are well known philosophical entities. The concept of the Mind and its relation to the primordial SELF is unique. The existence of the supreme SELF holds a special place in the realms of life philosophy. Though it is the SELF which has the power to experience things, but it is the Mind that gives meaning to those experiences. Thus the mind is perceived to be intelligent and cognisant. When the Mind is more developed, the experiences themselves become evolutionary.

Understanding the Mind and its higher potentials is as important as knowing the science to harness them. Also, it is important to think beyond the modern
3-layered mind concept comprising of conscious, sub conscious and super conscious layers. The narrations in many ancient philosophical literatures indicate multiple dimensions of consciousness and intelligence and multi dimensions of the Mind itself. Thus we may be dealing with not one mind but multiple minds, with each mind comprising of many layers within themselves. This model will be useful in the field of personal development, by enhancing ones performance and achievements, and to evolve to higher states of existence.

Dr Mayank Shah has proposed the 3-mind concept and the technology to develop their potentials. A developed mind is a MITY MIND! With this empowerment, one can harness the higher functions to give a better meaning and purpose to ones life and live it successfully.