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Alchemy is happening right under our breath, in our bodies. Food and water turning into bone, muscle, and other bodily cells and tissues is nothing short of a miracle. Nature guides the body in this process of transmutation of energy. Just as nutrition from organic matter helps the body grow, sensory impulses fees the mind’s growth. The mind is a significant storehouse of energy, which gets distributed amonst countless thoughts. To realize the mind’s potential, we would first need to gather a sufficient quantity of the mind’s energy and then transform it by directing it towards our goals and aspirations—an “alchemical” process we can control.

Willpower is central to how we use the mind’s energy. We can think of willpower as the nerve center of the mind. If the will is weak, the mind’s energy flows in many different directions, and we are swept away by our thoughts. The inner restlessness we experience reflects the struggle to stay afloat in a sea of thoughts. To overcome mental restlessness, we seek external distractions, which degrades the mind’s extraordinary potential.

The mind throws many irresistible impulses at us. As long as we take the bait, the mind leaves us alone. But at the slightest hint of resistance on our part, the mind fights back. A classic example is the difficulties encountered when we try our hand at meditation. As soon as we sit with our eyes closed, trying to remain present and focused, the mind begins to shower a continual volley of thoughts at us. Such distracting thoughts, pleasant or unpleasant, will not let us sit for a few minutes with our eyes closed. The flood of thoughts becomes like a dam about to burst, and it forces us to open our eyes.