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The term MIND is referred to as a faculty of consciousness and thought, which enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences. However, this definition is not entirely true. It is not easy to define and understand the mind because in some ways the mind may seem unreal. It is not something tangible. The mind is not composed of the physical elements of earth, water, fire, or wind. But if the mind is not tangibly real, how is it that we are able to think and feel and do all the things that we do each day?

The Mind is not a vacuum, nor is it devoid of characteristics. It has great potentials and even greater power. The prime potential of your mind is awareness. It has the quality of knowing. The nature of mind is luminosity, which allows for the dawning of ‘knowledge’. It is the Mind which gives shape to our experiences, a meaning to our lives. Knowledge is essentially of two types – one which is consistent with the experience of our material world and the other is consistent with the experience of our inner world. Everything that we experience in our outer or inner world is a creation of the mind. And all the creatives of the mind are spontaneous because we have never tried to take its reins in our hands.

Understanding the qualities of the mind—its essence, nature, and characteristics—are fundamental to living an extraordinary life . The first challenge is to understand thought. While people try to run away from thoughts, they are not harmful. Everyone must be encouraged to investigate their thoughts. In fact, thoughts are the bridges to our stored knowledge and beliefs. They also represent the core intentions of ones life. This investigation can be achieved by using the tools of mindful meditation and awareness.

Thought and the power to think are distinct entities. Mindless thoughts or routine daily thoughts do not need any power. They are spontaneous and useless. However thoughts that arise from deeper contemplation are valuable. These thoughts help us mould ourselves and influence our destiny. It is well known that the power to think is what makes us different from other living beings, but to elevate ourselves higher in the order of nature we have to learn to use the mind differently.
The mind is being used more for ego-centred acquisitiveness and for personal growth and power, and not for self evolution.

We have to discover the unconscious potentials of the mind and bring it into our consciousness. This will be the awakening of our divine intelligence. The superior knowledge consciousness will enable vistas of perception and experience of action beyond our wildest dreams.

The Mind is the tool for evolving our knowledge consciousness!