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Life is an enigma. The outside world that we see around us is mysterious and intriguing in many ways. There is another equally mysterious world that is within us. It is the world of our Mind, with its intelligence and emotions, feelings and desires. The only thing common between the two is infiniteness and the The external world and our internal world together constitute the two great polarities of Life.

“Who controls Life?” has always been a pertinent question. One polarity, which is our perceived ‘material’ world, appears to be governed by ‘material’ laws. The other polarity is our mysterious ‘spiritual’ world whose laws are grossly unknown. Are these two polarities independent of each other or are they inter-dependent?

To answer this question, it will need a special kind of observation. Our universe is a result of a complex manifestation process. The phenomenon of creation, preservation, destruction is an undisputed reality. As scientists continue to debate on the origin of the universe, philosophers are trying to decipher the origin of Life. In these intellectual pursuits, we seem to be ignoring something that is happening in the present. When we become aware of the present, we discover the energies of creation, preservation and destruction all happening simultaneously. We need to awaken a special meditative awareness to recognise this divine phenomenon. This subtle idea holds the key to understand Life and its complexities.

Very often we see the relationship between our inner world and our outer world. The immensely vast material universe and the equally infinite spiritual universe may not be two separate entities after all. The visible universe may just be the outward reflection of our spiritual energies. Both energies are part of one great cosmic event. There are many instances in our inherited philosophical wisdom that shed light on this concept. With the right perspective and understanding of the nature of these polarities, we can not only control life, but eventually master it. In all probability, the spiritual energies controls the ‘materialistic’ universe and holds the key to our evolution.

Spirituality is the science of nurturing and mastering the world within us. Nature has given us the ability to be the master of our own destiny. The journey into our inner universe and mastering our intrinsic resources is a pre-requisite for a superior life and to achieve our ultimate potentials.